Monday, March 23, 2020

Week 5: Graphic Novels

No Longer for Kids

Since the introduction of the dedicated comic. The stigmatization of comics being only for kids further drove them to be heavily censored. And thus began the call to have certain works differentiate themselves from what would be for kids. This later would be called the graphic novel, This would be more catered to mature audiences with more complex storytelling and characters. Both Will and Thompson tackle these more mature themes like the prospects of growing up in an abusive environment or pondering the meanings in ones life.
Comics or "graphic Novels' No long were catering to the family friendly audience.

With Thompson's Blankets and Will's A Life Force both are more of a man vs. environment kind of theme or more accurately a Man vs Society. or how society has failed them. where Thompson's story showcased the struggles of the main character with the other super religious conservative environment. While Eisner focused more on the specific individuals. However I found Thompson's story to be more relatable as these are real people that exist in the world and one can only imagine what it would be like to live in those conditions. 

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